Decalogue Exhibition at 10 Szewska Street

The painting installation “Decalogue” was part of the Poznan annual “Days of Judaism”. It was organised on the 13th of January 2007 in an old Polish tenement at 10 Szewska Street (former home of a rabbi) by Painting Studio XII of the Academy of Fine Arts (now the University of the Arts in Poznan) led by Professor Janusz Marciniak.

The project involved ten students: Kamil Banach, Robert Bodnar, Ewa Boguszewska, Zuzanna Dąbrowska, Jakub Malinowski, Tomasz Pieszko, Agnieszka Popek, Adriana Ronżewska, Robert Stefaniak and Justyna Wojtysiak. Each of the participants interpreted by painting one of the Ten Commandments. I painted the fifth: “You Shall Not Kill”.

The 5th: You Shall Not Kill

130 x 40 cm, acrylic and oil on canvas, 2007. In private collection.

The painting depicts human eyes. They appear to be cut out of paper and glued to a white background. The left eye is wide open and bloody. The right one is watching vigilantly hidden in the shadows.

Installed over the bathtub in the bathroom, the picture acted as a painting installation. A drip was attached to its back dripping slowly red paint imitating blood. The inside of the tub was covered with linen drapery.

The painting shows the twofold nature of man: the victim and the executioner. We can be one or the other. We can be both. 

Photo: From left: Justyna Wojtysiak, Tomasz Pieszko, Ewa Boguszewska, Agnieszka Popek, Kamil Banach, Jakub Malinowski, Prof. Janusz Marciniak, Zuzanna Dąbrowka, Robert Bodnar, Adriana Ronżewska, Robert Stefaniak.   

The painting installation “Decalogue” was part of the Poznan annual “Days of Judaism”. It was organised on the 13th of January 2007 in an old Polish tenement at 10 Szewska Street (former home of a rabbi) by Painting Studio XII of the Academy of Fine Arts (now the University of the Arts in Poznan) led by Professor Janusz Marciniak.

The project involved ten students: Kamil Banach, Robert Bodnar, Ewa Boguszewska, Zuzanna Dąbrowska, Jakub Malinowski, Tomasz Pieszko, Agnieszka Popek, Adriana Ronżewska, Robert Stefaniak and Justyna Wojtysiak. Each of the participants interpreted by painting one of the Ten Commandments. I painted the fifth: “You Shall Not Kill”.

The 5th: You Shall Not Kill

130 x 40 cm, acrylic and oil on canvas, 2007. In private collection.

The painting depicts human eyes. They appear to be cut out of paper and glued to a white background. The left eye is wide open and bloody. The right one is watching vigilantly hidden in the shadows.

Installed over the bathtub in the bathroom, the picture acted as a painting installation. A drip was attached to its back dripping slowly red paint imitating blood. The inside of the tub was covered with linen drapery.

The painting shows the twofold nature of man: the victim and the executioner. We can be one or the other. We can be both. 

Photo: From left: Justyna Wojtysiak, Tomasz Pieszko, Ewa Boguszewska, Agnieszka Popek, Kamil Banach, Jakub Malinowski, Prof. Janusz Marciniak, Zuzanna Dąbrowka, Robert Bodnar, Adriana Ronżewska, Robert Stefaniak.   

THE 5TH: YOU SHALL NOT KILL, 130 x 40 cm, acrylic and oil on canvas, 2007 

THE 5TH: YOU SHALL NOT KILL, 130 x 40 cm, acrylic and oil on canvas, 2007 

EXHIBITION DECALOGUE, Painting Studio XII at 10 Szewska Street (Poznan, Poland 2007)  




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