
90 x 81 cm, oil on canvas, 2007

“Limbo” is a poetic metaphor for the dark side of our existence: loneliness, burning grief and a sense of hopelessness.

Nietzsche wrote: “Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster… for when you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.”

The work was inspired by Christina Aguilera’s music video “Fighter”. It depicts two mysterious, dark, semi-ephemeral figures of dancers wandering through the Limbo of the title. Overwhelmed by an unfriendly and predatory landscape, they remain in a state of suspension, uncertain of their every step.

The glossy surface of the painting is built up by thick, dynamically applied layers of paint and scratched spatula drawing, combined with the elaborate detail of the figures. The colour scheme is narrowed down to steel black, cold blue and accents of soft pink. The light breaking through the gloom adds mystery to the scene.

As in other works, the element of abstract planes coexists with detail and synthesis. 

“Limbo” is a poetic metaphor for the dark side of our existence: loneliness, burning grief and a sense of hopelessness.

Nietzsche wrote: “Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster… for when you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.”

The work was inspired by Christina Aguilera’s music video “Fighter”. It depicts two mysterious, dark, semi-ephemeral figures of dancers wandering through the Limbo of the title. Overwhelmed by an unfriendly and predatory landscape, they remain in a state of suspension, uncertain of their every step.

The glossy surface of the painting is built up by thick, dynamically applied layers of paint and scratched spatula drawing, combined with the elaborate detail of the figures. The colour scheme is narrowed down to steel black, cold blue and accents of soft pink. The light breaking through the gloom adds mystery to the scene.

As in other works, the element of abstract planes coexists with detail and synthesis.

Related exhibitions

Painting Studio XII at 10 Szewska Street (Poznan, Poland 2010) 




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